24 Hours old in Swaziland

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Today, it hailed (actually, just a few minutes ago)! It was remarkable. This morning, I ran in short sleeves and now I can see my breath on the patio. The storm only lasted about 8-10 minutes, but it was intense while it lasted! Living in the mountains we’ve gotten used to fog, afternoon showers, cooler temperatures, etc. but never hail. Just when we thought summer was finally coming to Mbabane…P.S. The electricity has gone on/off 4 times since I started writing this blog entry.


The pool

I don’t think that these flowers appreciate the sudden chill

Our complex

1 comment:

  1. I hope this reaches you as I've just joined your blog on my own (Beth's been forwarding it to me). I have really enjoyed all the posts and the pictures are outstanding as well-I feel as though I'm right there with you. Can you let me know that you received this? Love you lots, Judy J.
