What happened? Sad...
All of our furniture from the family room was pushed into the dining room to allow the carpet to dry out
Anything that was wet upstairs was thrown in the tub
Anything that was on the floor that wasn't wet was thrown on the guest bed
So, back to Part IV of our vacation…on Tuesday, Doug went back to work at the clinic and Biss and Josh and I went to Milwane for a mountain biking safari. We had a perfect day and there is just something to be said for riding your bike around with wild animals. It’s fun. We also went for a special, traditional Swazi meal at a restaurant called, Edalaleni. It was very tasty, but we all got diarrhea which was not fun. Alas. On Wednesday we ventured down to Pine Valley and climbed Sibebe Rock and then went to Swazi Candles for a non-diarrhea inducing meal (too much information?) and lots and lots of souvenirs. Our last adventure landed us in Manzini at the market in search of a traditional Swazi shield to add another traditional weapon to Josh’s collection.
Driving into Milwane
Warthog family
Josh on mountain biking safari
Paisley, Biss and zebra friends
Biss and Josh
Fighting impala
On departure day, we couldn’t let the adventures die and of course there had to be a little excitement. When we got to the airport for their 11:00am flight, we learned that the flight had been delayed until 3:00pm. We checked-in their bags and retrieved their boarding passes and opted for brunch at Guava Gallery and a little more souvenir shopping. It was great to steal a little extra time with them, and they weren’t going to miss their connection in Johannesburg, so really, all was well. Enroute back to the airport we even stopped to do a quick group grocery shop so that I wouldn’t have to run the errand by myself (as everyone who has to run errands knows it is more fun if there are others along for the chore). On our way from the grocery store to the airport is when the adventure really kicked in because the King had announced a national holiday for Incwala. Since the King was on his way to the traditional celebration, all of the roads in the area had been closed and gun clad military men were lining the streets. The street to the airport, that is. We went in circles trying to find an alternative route but kept being met with roadblocks (literally), so let’s just say it was really, really close. Note to self: don’t go to the grocery store on the way to the airport…you just never know. Three cheers for the best vacation and visit, ever. Who’s next?
Hi, well another superb audio and video show from herself-good job! You experienced my worst nightmare-returning home to the broken hotwater heater and 60 gal, all over everywhere. But you get the lemonade (from the lemon): new carpeting and at least someone else did the patching,painting and put back. What a wonderful holiday you and your friends all had-makes me almost want to go,but for now, my longest trips are into Chicago. Lots of love...