24 Hours old in Swaziland

Monday, August 17, 2009

Photo Scavenger Hunt

Each year, when the new PAC doctors arrive in Mbabane, it has become a tradition to have a photo ‘scavenger hunt’ through which the new doctors get to know the other clinic employees and have the opportunity to learn a little bit about Swazi culture and history, (and let’s face it) a little bit about the random things one might expect to see around town. Doug was the team leader for a completely Swazi team and I was grouped with one of the Spanish doctors (Peluca – owner of the infamous car referenced in numerous other blog entries) and two Swazis from the clinic – Lwazi, the social worker, and Ngicela, one of the laboratory technicians. While I am happy to report that my team beat out the other three teams for first place (I won a nice Swazi mug), Doug was using our camera for his team’s photo hunt and therefore is featured in all of the pictures below. The scavenger hunt began at 2:00pm and each team had 3 hours to capture as many of the items on the list as possible. The only rule was that at least one photo must be taken from each category, including: commerce, cuisine, culture, transportation, recreation, nature, and places. Additionally, there was a 10 point bonus if each member of the team was captured in the photograph (which meant that you had successfully negotiated with a local Swazi to take your team’s picture – not as easy as you might think). Here are some of the items captured by Doug’s team!

In centerfield at Somholo National Football Stadium
Herding cattle Inside a traditional ‘beehive’ Swazi home
Drinking the local ‘home brew’
In the back of a pick-up truck (as is the preferred transport for many Swazis)
Putting out a roadside fire (seriously, there are lots of these friendly, little brushfires)
With a statue of King Sobhuza II And, finally…chasing a monkey…Doug’s team was the only team to capture this shot and Doug actually won, ‘best photo’ for his efforts (he won a mini clay pot that I promptly snatched-up for myself...)

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